Friday, September 19, 2008

Juvenile Delinquents

Okay so for the topic of Criminal Justice, Today, I have finally decided to focus on the Juvenile Delinquents and drugs.

The thing is over the past couple of years the number of juvenile Delinquents are increasing, and one of those causes are because the are caught abusing drugs. A number of times when a teenager get pulled over and searched by a cop, they get caught having some kind of illegal drug hidden somewhere in their car or on them in their pockets. I just want to know what is going on in their heads when they find out when they get caught. I want to know if they want to change their ways or they don't really care.

I would like to be the type who would be able to help them out if they do want to change and even if they do not want to change because I know that being healthy and having a great life is a great thing that you want to have so that you can have a successful one.

So yeah, I am going to look at all that stuff that deals with juveniles and drugs like the rate percentage that does it and the aftermath like the outcome of their life years after.

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